Program Policies

Code of Conduct

We are dedicated to maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all participants.
Our Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behavior and expectations that we uphold to ensure a positive experience for everyone. By joining our facility, you agree to abide by the following principles:
1. Respect and Inclusivity:
● Treat fellow members, trainers, staff, and visitors with respect, regardless of their background, gender, race, age, or skill level.
● Embrace diversity and inclusivity by fostering an environment where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their background.
2. Health, Safety and Equipment:
● Follow safety guidelines and instructions provided by trainers and staff to prevent injuries.
● Properly use and care for equipment and facilities. Report any damaged equipment or safety concerns promptly.
● Return all equipment to the original place for proper storage after every use.
● Avoid visiting the facility if/when exhibiting any symptoms that are potential flu-like indications such as fever, cough, or any difficulty with breathing
3. Compliance with Facility Rules:
● Adhere to all policies, rules, and guidelines set forth by trainers and staff.
● Failure to comply with facility rules may result in disciplinary actions, including suspension or expulsion.
By adhering to the Code of Conduct, we create an environment where every member can pursue their fitness and goals in a positive and supportive atmosphere. Failure to comply with these standards may lead to appropriate consequences, as determined by the company’s management.
We appreciate your commitment to upholding these principles and contributing to the success of our company.

Anti-Bullying Policy

We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all participants, trainers, staff, and visitors. Our Anti-Bullying Policy outlines our stance against bullying and provides guidelines for prevention, intervention, and addressing such behavior.
1. Definition of Bullying:
● Bullying is any repeated, intentional, and aggressive behavior that causes distress, discomfort, or harm to another individual. This includes verbal, physical, or written actions that demean, intimidate, threaten, humiliate, or harm.
2. Prohibited Behaviors:
● Bullying, in any form, is strictly prohibited within the premises and related activities.
3. Reporting Mechanisms:
● Anyone who experiences or witnesses bullying is encouraged to report the incident promptly to a trainer, staff member, or management.
● Reports can be made in person, in writing, or anonymously if preferred. Contact information for reporting will be prominently displayed within our program
4. Confidentiality:
● All reports of bullying will be treated with the utmost confidentiality to the extent permitted by law. Only individuals involved in the investigation and resolution process will have access to the information.
5. Investigation and Resolution:
● Upon receiving a report, management will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation.
● Appropriate actions will be taken to address the situation, which may include disciplinary action, or involve law enforcement if necessary.
6. Non-Retaliation:
● Retaliation against individuals who report bullying, participate in investigations, or support the resolution process is strictly prohibited and will be met with disciplinary action.
7. Supportive Environment:
● We are committed to providing support for individuals who have experienced bullying. Resources such as counseling services may be made available upon request.
8. Prevention and Education:
● We will provide regular training and education to members, trainers, and staff on the importance of preventing bullying and creating a respectful culture.
9. Consequences:
● Any member found to have engaged in bullying behavior may face immediate disciplinary actions, up to and including suspension or expulsion from our programs.
10. Review and Revision:
● This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated as needed to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with current best practices.
By adhering to the Anti-Bullying Policy, we create an environment where all individuals can pursue their fitness goals without the fear of bullying. We appreciate your commitment to upholding these principles and contributing to a safe and respectful
culture in our programs.